Attendance requirements

We strongly recommend at least 80% attendance for all of our athletes. Only this way we can expect their improvement.

Training sessions are the most important aspect of competitive swimming.  Consistent training is needed to progress through the classes of swimmers.  Training schedules are designed to provide only slightly more time than is required for a swimmer to accomplish this.  It is important, therefore, that each swimmer attends as many practices as possible, in order to derive the full benefits of the program.

  • Each training group has specific attendance requirements appropriate for the objectives of that group.  As a general rule, the least possible interruption in the training schedule will produce the greatest amount of success.   We encourage younger swimmers to participate in other activities in addition to swimming.  The expectation level of the coaches to attend practices increases as a swimmer moves to higher training groups.
  • Swimmers need to prepare themselves for 100% effort each time they come to practice.  Even though they are not in the classroom, they still need to have their brains “turned on” and their bodies physically ready to go.
  • For safety purposes, swimmers should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to their workout times.  Likewise, they should be picked up no later than 5 minutes after the completion of their practice.  Swimmers should be ready to swim 5 minutes prior to the start of their practice.
  • Swimmers should plan to stay the entire practice.  The last part of practice is very often the most important.  Usually, there are also announcements made at the end of each practice.  In the event that your child needs to be dismissed early from practice, a parental note is greatly appreciated prior to practice.
  • Emergency changes to the practice schedule will be sent on Remind App or email.
  • While at the pool and on the school grounds, the swimmers are the responsibility of the coaching staff.  Please pick your swimmer up from practice promptly!
  • During the practice sessions, swimmers are never to leave the pool area without the permission of a coach.
  • Swimmers are required to bring specific training accessories (goggles, suit, equipment bag, water bottle) to practices. You can find the full list in our handbook.  It is the swimmer’s responsibility to make sure these items are properly adjusted and that spares are readily available if equipment fails.
  • HAMMERHEADS are considered a guest while in middle/high schools (both swimmers and parents).  Every member of the club needs to do everything possible to respect this privilege.  Any damages to school property may result in financial liability to the swimmer’s parents.  Any damage may also result in the swimmer being asked to leave the team permanently.
  • Parents are not allowed on the pool deck during a practice unless it is an emergency.
  • Parents are allowed to observe from the bleacher area.  Please be considerate and keep conversations at a low volume level.  Do not try to communicate with any swimmers from the bleacher area.  This is not only distracting to the swimmer but can also be distracting to the entire team, as well as the coach.
  • If your swimmer will be out of the water for a long period of time with an injury or illness, please notify the coaching staff.
  • If your swimmer has a different approach needed to communicate skills, please inform his/her coach.  This will allow the coach to explain things in an alternate way so that your swimmer will understand.